Fine Fescue for Turf
Lawns in cool areas with plenty of shade will benefit from a turf sown with fine fescue. Fine fescue is often part of a grass mixture to create a northern shade tolerant grass that has low moisture and fertilizer needs. The grass stays green all year long in most regions and is drought tolerant.
Fine fescues encompass at least 5 major species.
• Hard fescue
• Sheep fescue
• Chewings fescue
• Creeping red fescue
Fescues are perfect for temperate and cooler regions, especially maritime and low mountainous climates. The leaves are medium green to blue green with a fine texture.
Fine fescue germinates quickly and establishes readily. It is often blended with bluegrass and ryegrass. It is the most shade tolerant of all turfgrasses. It prefers difficult soil conditions such as rocky, sandy, or clay situations.
Fine fescue germinates quickly and establishes readily. It is often blended with bluegrass and ryegrass. It is the most shade tolerant of all turfgrasses. It prefers difficult soil conditions such as rocky, sandy, or clay situations.