Environmentally Friendly Fine Fescue

High quality turf adaptable under adverse conditions
with extreme low maintenance.

Fine fescues have earned a reputation as a widely adaptable, high quality solution for professional turf. When water savings, less inputs and ecological concerns are factors, look to Oregon fine fescue seed for results. Oregon-grown fine fescues; the sustainable turf grass solution.


Soil Conditions

Fine fescues thrive on sandy, well-drained soils. They respond to irrigation when needed, but are persistent under drought conditions. Fescue grass is naturally salt tolerant.

Disease & Insect Resistance

Fine Fescues have degrees of disease and insect resistance. Fine fescue care doesn’t require a pesticide, as most insects do not seem to do any damage.

Natural Areas

The trend of establishing infrequently mowed grass stands, often referred to as naturalized grass stands or native areas, has been steadily growing over the last two decades.

Fine Fescue

The Environmentally Friendly Turfgrass for Home Lawns, Parks and Golf Courses.

Mowing Height

Capable of close mowing heights, from greens height to rough-cut, or naturalized no-mow application.

Mixing with other grases

Performs well when used in cool season grass seed blends.

Climate Zone

Fine fescue grass is a cool season grass adapted from the transition zone in the USA north into Canada.

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Fine fescue grass is eco friendly as it requires little maintenance - less water & fertilization.


Fine fescue is the most shade tolerant of all cool-season grasses.

Foliar Traits

Fine Fescues have narrow leaf blades that interact well with other grass species.

It’s all in the seed.

Quality Seed
Grown in Oregon

All of the advanced research, quality production practices, careful cleaning, purity and germination testing plus timely delivery are part of each and every seed.


Fine Fescue for the Home Lawn

Lawns in cool areas with plenty of shade will benefit from a turf sown with fine fescue. Fine fescue is often part of a grass mixture to create a northern shade tolerant grass that has low moisture and fertilizer needs. The grass stays green all year long in most regions and is drought tolerant.

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Why Fine Fescues

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